KOBE THEOLOGICAL HALL of the Japan Presbytery of RPCNA

approved by the faculty of Kobe Theological Hall on Sept.4th, 2000

1. Objectives

KTH is to equip the ministerial candidate as well as the church
officers of the Reformed Presbyterian Church by training in solid
Biblical and Reformed Presbyterian theology in view of His kingdom in Japan.
Our doctrinal standard are the Westminster Standards and Reformed Presbyterian

Testimony. KTH emphasizes five convictions in its training:
1) Apostolic authority and Inspired Inerrancy of the Bible,
2) Centrality of Trinitalian God and His sovereignty and salvation expressed
     in the Reformed faith,
3) Freedom of faith under the Kingship of Christ over the nations, and His church
    enforcing such freedom and being administered by Presbyterian church government,
4) Covenantal responce to God's will expressed in the Ten Commandments and
     in church covenants according to the grace of the Spirit in every sphere of our lives,
5) Biblical and Psalm singing worship, and responsible establishment of the visible
    church in Japan, with faithful covenanting in His grace, according to the principles
    of self-government, self-propagation, and self-support.

Two year course, including both Greek and Hebrew training, is to prepare
men for the preaching license as the evangelist or candidate for the pastor.
Four year course is to prepare for the Presbytery's eligibility examination
to be called as the pastor of the Reformed Presbyterian Church. To take the
eligibility examination, he must hold an undergraduate degree or equivalent.

To transfer and study at Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary in
Pittsburgh is highly recommended to the students, if their ability of the
English language is sufficient.
Other than the ministerial training course, any faithful church member
of RPC can apply for KTH's one year course for their training for more
effective and biblically faithful service in the church.
Women may apply equally to any study course of KTH and, though they will
not be expected to become pastor or elder, but be equipped for the services
which the Bible expects them to serve in the church. e.g., the service
in the evangelistic outreach as Bible Women, or service in the
church's ministry as diaconissa, both should be under the supervision of
their session.
The member of any true bible-believeing branch of the visible church may
apply to register at KTH, if he respects in faith the affirmation of the
following convictions of this intitution:
1.Infallability and Inerrancy of the Bible
2.Trinitalian Reformed Theology of the Westminster Creed
3.Puritanical covenantal life training
4.Presbyterian freedom towards the nation
5.Self-support/government church with Biblical worship

2. KTH has three courses

1) One year Bible Study certificate course
   a. A course for the workers and sabbath school teachers of RP congregations.
   b. This course is also good for the elder who prepares for the elder's
preaching license for occasional preaching.
2) Two year Preaching License course
    According to the 1999 May Japan Presbytery's decision, this course is:
   a. A course for the candidate for the theological student. After finishing
       this, the male student may apply to presbytery as the theological student
       through his session, and may take preaching license exam., if he is above
       24 years old.
   b. Some who are not called to the full time preaching/teaching ministry
      as pastor, he may take the preaching license exam., and remain as
      lay-evangelist(maybe elder) who is under the direction of his session
      according to his specific calling to serve His in the church. As an lay
      evangelist he also may lead Bible studies or Evagelistic home meetings.
   c. This course is also good for the elder who prepares for the elder's
      preaching license for more frequent occational preaching, mainly at the
      vacant pulpit or the congregation's evangelistic station.
   d. Women may take this course with male students except the preaching
      practise. (Instead there will be the speech practise for women.)
      The presbytery plans to consider the official recognition of "Diaconissa"
      as women servants for the ministry/evangelism for women graduates of
      this course in view of more active/peculiar ministry for women
   e. According to the agreement between RPTS and KTH, the two year course
      graduate may be accepted as the transfer student at RPTS, Pittsburgh.
      The student may be asked to fulfill 45 credit hours instead of the
      usual requuirement for the graduation of this course(36 credit hours).
      If he has a college degree he may be accepted as the candidate for
      M.Div. or M.T.S. If he has not, he may still be accepted as a candidate
      for the certificate of Training in Ministry according to the judgement
      of the RPTS faculty.
3) Four year Eligibility(to be called as the pastor) course
   According to the 1999 May Japan Presbytery's decision, this course is:
   a. A course for the candidate for fulltime ministry/pastor. After finishing
      this, the male student, who is the presbytery's theological student
      already, and had been licensed appropriately for preaching, may apply
      to presbytery to take the examination of eligibility to be called.
      He must hold at least a college degree or its equivalent as stated in
      the directory of the church government before applying to this.
   b. Women who show special talent to the theological study may be
      allowed to take this course equal to male except the preaching practise.
      (There will be the speech practise for women.)
      The presbytery plans to consider the official recognition of "Bible Women"
      for women graduate of this course in view of seeking excellence of
      deaconesses as the one who really can understand and make her mind unite
      to elders theologically in their services.
   c. According to the agreement between RPTS and KTH, the four year course
      graduate may be accepted as the transfer student to the RPTS third year.
      The student maybe asked to fulfill 90 credit hours instead of the
      usual requuirement for the graduation of this course(72 credit hours).
      If he has a college degree he may be accepted as the candidate of
      M.Div. or M.T.S. according to the judgement of the RPTS faculty.
   d. Any candidate for the eligibility to be called as the pastor, if he does
      not pursue his theological training in RPTS after the graduatiion and
      wants to complete his ministerial preparation only in Japan, maybe because
      of the lack of sufficient English language ability, is likely to continue
      his study at KTH as a fifth year student after graduation from the four
      year course, till he passes the presbytery's examination.
      He is expected to complete 108 credit hours as well as completing the
      graduation thesis for the Diploma of Theology of KTH.
      KTH may investigate possibility of developping a Th.B. degree according
      to the standard of Asian Theological Association in future, if the
      arrangement will not harm the doctrinal consistency of our education.

3. Date of founding

1996 September

4. Board of Trustees (or appropriate body)

KTH is under the oversight of the Japan presbytery of RPCNA
and operated by the faculty approved by the presbytery.

5. Budget:

about $20,000/year, reported and approved by the presbytery
revenues: Tuition(about $1000 from a student), presbyterial help and
expenses: Mainly honorarium plus transportation of the teachers and
some fund for library and equipment.
Teacher of RP: \2500/hour plus transportation
Teacher outside: \5000/hour
Guest teachers: international airfare and expence only

6. Faculty:

      Please see the Faculty 2004.

7. Staff:

Chairman of the Faculty and Administrative Representative
    Rev.Shigeru Takiura
    Prof. Hiroyuki Kanamori
Library Assistant
    Mrs. Ruth Pennington; Univ. of Kansas., M.Ed.
    Mr. Dempei Takiura; RPTS Cert.of Training in Ministry
Liaison between KTH and RPTS
    Prof.Tom Reid of RPTS Library
    Mrs.Toshiko Yamashita, Member of Okamoto Keiyaku RPC
    Mrs.Chong Inn Park of the Covenanter Book Store
    Elder and Mrs.Shozo Hagiwara; Manager of CBR

All are volunteers with no payment

8. Building:

1) Covenanter Center Building in downtown Kobe city, Japan,
     owned by Japan presbytery RPCNA
     (The land is the property of the RP Japan Mission)
     2nd Floor is KTH class room and chapel
     3rd Floor is KTH library and the guest house
     Utility/maintenance are cared for the presbyterial committee.
     (1st fllor of the building is the bookstore operated by the
     board under the FMB of the RPCNA synod.)
2) Okamoto Keiyaku RPC Building in East Kobe owned by Keiyaku cong.
     is also used mainly for the Friday night classes.

9. Library:

In the 3rd floor of the Covenanter Center Building, Sannomiya,
Kobe, there is a library space for KTH and now in the process
of organizing its library. About 3000 volumes of books and
some bulks of various periodicals initiate the composition of
the core, which had been donated from several pastors and memebrs
of RPC and other reformed bodies both in Japan and in USA.
By the advice of Prof.Tom Reid, librarian of RPTS, we aim to be
online to RPTS library. RPTS also helps to provide extra books
and peroiodicals time to time.

10. Student:

4th year student Dempei Takiura
3rd year student Masayuki Yoshizumi, Mika Baino,
2nd year student Hikoshi Yamaguchi, Shozo Hagiwara,
Hiroshi Doi, Seigo Kitani,
Katsunori Endo, Kumiko Kudo
Minoru Nakata, Mikio Matsuzawa
1st year student Tetsuo Okamura, Naoko Yokota
(includes prospect) Masako Takiura, Shohei Takiura
Chon Inn Park, Takashi Kamura
Megumi Takiura, Kihei Takiura
Keisuke Sakai, Akira Sato
Nozomu Kato, Mike Lindley
Michiko Nakayama, Fumiko Matsui
Shiori Tanaka, Toshihiro Hirasawa
Graduate study Yoshiko Takita
Student's year is according to the credits they earned.

11. Programs:

Main program is the evening class on Tue.Thu.Fri. evenings.
Sub program is the afternoon class on Mon.Tue.Thu. late afternoons.

The one or two year course can be completed by only participating
in the sub program. But the serious student to aiming at a preaching
licence or ministerial eligibility needs to take the main program.
Graduation is according to the 18 credit hours/year including
various required credits.

12. Requirements for graduation:

Required studies lists for each study year :
1st(or 2nd)year 2nd(or 1st)year 3rd & 4th total
Biblical Languages Greek 3 Hebrew 3 BL Study 3
Exegetical Theology Bible Intro. 3 Bibl.Theol. 3 Exege.Study 3
Systematic Theology Sys.of Doct. 3 Sys.Theol. 3 ST Study 3
Historical Theology Church Hist. 3 HT Study 3 RP Study 3
Apologetical Theology Apologetics 1.5 Apologetics 1.5 Apol.Study 3
Practical Theology Homiletics 1.5 Missiology 1.5 Church Admin. 3
Preach.Prac.1.5 Preach.Prac.1.5 Preach.Prac. 1.5
(for women, Bible speech practice) (of the last year)

Required Credits lists for Graduation:
                                         one year course      two year course       four year course
Biblical Languages                    3                                6                               9
Exegetical Theology                  3                                6                               9
Systematic Theology                 3                                6                               9
Historical Theology                   3                                6                               9
Apologetical Theology             1.5                              3                               6
Practical Theology                     3                              4.5                              6
Specified Area                                                                                              9
Electives                                   1.5                            4.5                             15
Additional for transfer                                               (9)                           (15)
Total required credit                 18                              36                              72
Transfer to RPTS                                            (45)to 2nd year         (90)to 3rd year

Transfer to RPTS requires additional credit, for the purpose of adjusting
to the requirement of RPTS, but it is the standard within KTH and does not
promise the transfer itself. Admission to RPTS is according to the judgement
of RPTS's admission policy in view of the agreement between KTH and RPTS.

All scores must be above D(60%) and average must be above C(70%) for
the graduation.
Each teacher is responsible to reflect students' effort of attendance,
note-taking and participation to class discussion to their final score.

In most of KTH examination, students must present answers not only of some
knowledge, but rather his own presentation of thought to the issue.
So the style of the examination may be often a short essay type.
In future, as a pastor, student may face the issue which waits their answer.
They might consult with books, but they possibly find difficult of answer.
So KTH would like to cultivate student's ability of Biblical but creative
thinking to find Biblical answer at any issue. This affects to our style
of examination. In Japan creative thinking is greatly lacking in general.
So KTH examination is not only testing, but aiming to make the content
of lectures digested well by students and to be applied to life by students'
own expression. For this purpose there are interview or open book exam,too.
While preserving the fairness, some consideration to the circumstance of
the students who works daytime is also innevitable.
But the teachers are responsible to maintain the quality of training of the
course. The delay of exam.without good reason must result -10% of the score.

At registration student needs to ask consultation for the list of required
study from the chairman of the faculty each year.

13. 2000-2002 Course Subjects:

Monday                                                      teacher 2000-2001 2001-2002
   pm Intro/System of Doctrine                   Takiura Institutes Westminster
         Japanese Bible Reading                    Takiura New Test. Old Test.
         intro/Hist.Study of Reformed Faith  Takiura Creed Church/State
   ev  Preaching Practice once/quarter
         Study of Japanese Christian Writers Funahashi
         History of Duth Theology Hashimoto
   pm Bible Speech once/quarter
   ev  English Bible Pennington
         Historical Theology Sakai Hist.Doct. Hist.Church
         Practical Theology Pennington
Fall Pastor Peace Making
Winter Worship Leadership
Spring Counseling Evangelism
Systematic Theology Seminar Sakai 3 topics 3 topics
Exegesis Practice Takiura Gospels Pauline
Exegeytical Examination of Doctrine Takiura 3 topics 3 topics

   pm Greek Grammar--Machen Takiura 2nd part 1st part
         Vantil's Introduction to ST Matsuda
         Hebrew Grammer--Weingreen Takiura 1st part 2nd part
         Theology of Preaching Pennington
         Homiletics Osaki fall/sprng fall/sprng
         Christian Education Pennington winter winter
   ev Apologetics in praxis Spear
        Doctrine of Redemption Matsuda
        Missiology Pennington Ap/HT/BT Practicals
        Systematic Theology Sakai 3 areas 3 areas
   ev Greek Grammer--Machen Takiura 1st Part 2nd Part
        Exegetical Theology Takiura BibleIntro G.Vos BT
        Hebrew Grammer--Weingreen Takiura 2nd Part 1st Part

14. Application for admission

   1)A Copy Certifying Profession of Faith which was more than one year before.
   2)A Letter testifies faithful attendance of worship for recent one year.
   3)English Examination satisfied or A Certificate for High School Graduation.
   4)Bible Knowledge Examination satisfied.
   5)Application Form obtainable from the faculty office.
   6)A short essay stating the sense or desire of calling to the ministery.
   7)Promise to respect five convictions of KTH
   8)Certificate of Graduation of the most recent graduated school
To non-course student, 3),6) not required, a recommendation instead of 2).